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A hiker fell to his death on Monday while ascending Yosemite National Park's famous Half Dome trail, the US National Park Ser【【微信】】.The hiker was on the trail's Half Dome cables, the park ser【【微信】】 in a statement. He was hiking with another person during thunderstorm acti【【微信】】:30 p.m. when he slipped and fell.The cables take hikers up the last 400 feet to the summit of Half Dome, which rises nearly 5,000 feet abo【【微信】】's Yosemite Valley.Park rangers were notified and went to the scene to assist the second hiker, the NPS said. The missing hiker's body was found around 1 p.m. Tuesday.His identity will be released after his family is notified.The death is the first on the Half Dome cables since 2010 and the first 【【微信】】8, the park ser【【微信】】. 797


A California police officer was charged Wednesday in connection with a fatal shooting at an Oakland-area Walmart store in April.San Leandro Police Officer Jason Fletcher was charged with 【【微信】】r in connection with an incident where he fatally shot 33-year-old Ste【【微信】】.According to the Alameda County District Attorney's office, a security guard at the store called police when Taylor tried to lea【【微信】】ith a baseball bat and a tent without paying.Fletcher responded to the call and approached Taylor as he entered the store. The officer tried to grab the baseball bat from Taylor, and when he couldn't get control of the bat he drew his stun gun.After firing the stun gun, Taylor stumbled forward with the bat sitll in his hand. According to body camera footage, Fletcher repeatedly asked Taylor to drop the bat. Fletcher then fired his gun once, a shot that pro【【微信】】.In its charging statement, the District Attorney's office, claimed that Taylor "posed no threat of imminent deadly force or serious bodily injury" to the officers or anyone else in the store because he had "clearly experienced the shock of the taser as he was leaning forward o【【微信】】ng forward."Fletcher's lawyer, Michael Rains, told the San Francisco Chronicle that he was "【【微信】】" that the officer had been charged and that the charges were "undeserved."【【微信】】 criminal complaint was made after an intensi【【微信】】orough analysis of the evidence and the current law," Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O'Malley said.Lee Merritt, an attorney for Taylor's family, told NBC News that Taylor was experiencing a mental health crisis at the time of the shooting.Fletcher will be arraigned on Sept. 15 at a county courthouse in Dublin, California. 1845


A commercial asking for information about Carole Baskin's late husband's whereabouts aired Monday night during the season premiere of "Dancing with the Stars."In the "Justice for Don Lewis" ad, Lewis' daughters, their attorney, John M. Phillips, and Lewis's assistant Anne asked for any information about his disappearance sent to 646-450-6530 1-800-litigate.Lewis went missing in 1997 and was later declared dead. Lewis went missing while he was married to Baskin."Tiger King" star Baskin made her debut on the 29th season of the reality dancing competition show Monday, the same night the commercial aired.A 0,000 reward is currently being offered for information about Lewis and his disappearance. 711


A lawsuit is being filed against Massage En【【微信】】even women throughout California were sexually assaulted or raped by massage therapists, according to KGO.In a lawsuit filed against the company, attorneys say they are looking for other alleged 【【微信】】.The reported incidents happened at Massage En【【微信】】n California, the Sacramento area and the Bay Area.The claims range from inappropriate touching to rape. Attorneys say a massage therapist in Burlingame, Brandon Davis, 【【微信】】.RELATED: More than 180 accuse Massage En【【微信】】tDavis was later arrested and is facing 14 charges, including felonies for sexual battery by fraud.Attorneys in the lawsuit claim complaints were made against Da【【微信】】 was raped, yet he was allowed to continue his work for the company.A BuzzFeed in【【微信】】nd that more than 180 women had reported sexual assaults at Massage Envy.  980


【【微信】】ll players says it won't practice or play until its concerns about playing during the CO【【微信】】er racial and economic issues in college sports are addressed. “We belie【【微信】】er these conditions would be reckless and put us at needless risk,” the players said in their news release. “We will not play until there is real change that is acceptable to us.”The players posted a statement on The Players' Tribune website and on social media and sent out a news release. One of the players tells The Associated Press that more than 400 of his peers throughout the Pac-12 ha【【微信】】bout the issues they are raising. The players are concerned about the risks of CO【【微信】】ference and NCAA lack transparency, uniformity and ade【【微信】】astructure. The news release listed the names of 13 Pac-12 players, including Oregon star safety Je【【微信】】.The NCAA has released guidelines for CO【【微信】】r health and safety protocols to be used by schools, and Power Fi【【微信】】 ― the Pac-12, Big Ten, Big 12, ACC and SEC ― are finalizing their own similar recommendations.The Pac-12 also announced Friday that 20 hours per week of mandatory team acti【【微信】】, including weight training, meetings and unpadded walk-through practices, will be permitted to begin Monday. Preseason football practice for Pac-12 schools is set to begin Aug. 17.The states of Arizona and California, home to half the Pac-12 schools, ha【【微信】】 most severe surges in COVID-19 cases o【【微信】】. California-Berkeley has announced the fall semester will begin with all classes being taught online. USC said most of its classes will be online for the coming semester. 1788

小米oppovivo手机谁更好 小米oppo vivo三款手机的比较

差友们还记得 2019 年由 OPPO、vivo 和小米这三家手机厂商联合组建的 “ 互传联盟 ” 么?

这个联盟曾推出过一个名为 “ 互传 ” 的功能,它有点类似苹果的隔空投送,能够实现照片、视频等文件的跨品牌一键互传,而且传输速度也是杠杠的。


而就在今天,这个联盟中的三位元老又合伙搞了个超级大动作 ―― 那就是它们在跨品牌一键换机的基础上,给我们带来了第三方应用数据迁移。

这意味着从现在开始,我们在 vivo、OPPO、小米这三家品牌之间换机可就方便太多了,从此再也不用单独花上大半天时间迁移微信聊天记录!




比如如果你是从小米换到 OPPO,那就需要在小米手机上下载一个 “ 欢太手机搬家 ”。

相应的,vivo 的官方换机助手叫 “ 互传 ”,而小米的官方换机助手叫 “ 小米换机 ”。


一开始我就是因为在 OPPO 手机上下载了小米换机,结果在换机页面愣是没有找到哪里可以迁移第三方应用数据。。。

然后就是在小米手机打开 “ 欢太手机搬家 ” 这个应用,授予它诸如允许修改系统设置、开启所有文件访问权限、允许读写短信电话、通讯录等等权限。

接着再在 OPPO 手机上打开自带的 “ 手机搬家 ”,点击 “ 这是新设备 – 其它安卓设备 ”,扫码配对后,就可以正式开始迁移小米手机数据到 OPPO。


而不支持迁移的项目,自然就是那些包括便签、闹钟、设置在内的系统应用及数据,还有 NFC、面部等跟安全相关的数据,这个我们也可以理解。

有一说一它的迁移速度是真的快,基本全程都在 50MB/s 以上,最快甚至可以到 100MB/s,一百三十多 GB 的数据,迁完只花了二十多分钟。




总之就这个结果来说,我已经很满意,毕竟微信聊天记录迁移起来太麻烦才是我们平时换机的最大阻碍,其它 App 只要登录下账号就能用。

而且你别看目前只有 vivo、OPPO、小米这三家厂商官宣支持换机时迁移第三方应用数据,实际上 iQOO、、一加也等于打通了,懂得都懂~

毫无疑问,如果这个功能能像 “ 互传 ” 一样,到后面有越来越多的手机厂商加入,那么届时安卓之间的品牌隔阂将不复存在。

这很有可能会倒逼各家手机厂商更用心的打磨自家手机,以此来凭 “ 真本事 ” 留住用户,不然一个不小心,用户可能就连人带数据全都跑咯~

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