音乐教室的英语怎么读谐音 教室的英语谐音怎么读
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音乐教室的英语 音乐教室的英语谐音
music room ; music studio ;
[电影耐握]The Music Room
网 络music room;The Music Room;Music Hall;Music Studio
What can we do in the music room?
We sing and dance in the music room.
He has built himself a music studio.
There are two girls in the music room.
In the music room there is a little piano.
What do you do in the music room?
We sing in the music room.
Is there a music room?
Is there a music room?
1. The music room had been made to reflect and deepen sounds. 这间音乐室经过特殊设计处理,能够反射声音,使声音变得低沉厚重。
2. Teacher in the music room playing the piano it? 张老师在音乐室弹钢琴 吗 ?
3. The music room is on the second floor, too. 音乐室位于二楼, 真是太好了.
4. You must n't eat in the music room. 你不能在音乐室里面吃东西.
昌迹庆5. 【【淘密令】】? 有音乐室 吗 ?
6. It is known as the Music Room because once it was used for music lessons. 那是称为音乐室的,因州漏为那曾用来上音乐课.
7. I put my books in the desk and then ran to the music room. 我把书放进桌子里,然后向音乐室跑去.
8. Music hall organ, piano, 29 - inch TV, VCD, 【【微信】】sicalinstruments. 音乐室有电子琴 、 钢琴 、 29寸电视机 、 VCD机 、 音响及各类音乐器材.
9. It is ideal for placing the instrument on the table in the music classroom orstudio. 支架适用于音乐室或录音室放置乐器.
10. We're the Sing A - long studio. Collecting the things we don't anymore andthrowing them the bin. 我们打扫音乐室呢. 整理出我们不再需要的东西一起扔进垃圾箱.
音乐教盯慧室棚哗music room.
美凯和答术教室art room.
阅览室 reading room.
体育馆 gym
计算机室 computer room
实验室 laboratory
[建] music room
网 络music room;Music Classroom;S【【微信】】;musicroom
1. Out from here, across from the classroom are art and music classrooms. 从这里出来, 对面是美术教室和音乐教室.
2. There are also ad【【微信】】ultimedia classrooms, phoneticsclassrooms. 并有高质量的音乐教室, 语音教室和电教室.
3. Amy's in the music room. 艾米在音乐教室.
厅历4. This is the Music Room. 这是音乐教室.
5. The office is next to the music room. 办公室挨着音乐教室.
6. We are enjoying in the musical classroom. 在音乐教室里我们很开心.
7. Tony: Well, there's a music room , too. And they are a hall for concerts. 托尼: 嗯, 也有音乐教室, 并且有一个音乐大厅.
8. Schools ha【【微信】】, libraries, equipment rooms, laboratories, music roomacti【【微信】】 *** all team Jiaogongzhijia. 学校有微机室 、 图书室 、 仪器室 、 实验室 、 音乐教室,少队活动室和教工之家.
9. No, it isn't. it's the music room. The art room is on the first floor. 不, 它不是. 它是音乐教室. 绘画教室在一楼.
10. A total of 272 seats, music and art acti【【微信】】 of a room. 共有272个座位 、 音乐教室和美术活动室各一个.
11. School music and art classrooms and high standards of special biological,chemical, physical laboratory. 学校薯芹有音乐、美术专用教室和高标准的生物 、 化学 、 物理实验室
1. All the students are in the music room.
2. You can't listen music in the classroom.
3. They are in the music room .
4. The students are in the music room.
5. The students are in the music room.
6. You can sing songs in the music room.
7. In the music room, there's a little piano.
问题一:音乐教室用英文怎么写? music room
问题二:音乐教室的英文 music classroom
问题三:音乐教室在哪里的英文是什么? Where is the music class, please? 指定的教室可直称 class....如英语教室...English class, 科荸教室...science class, 要找乐器/钢琴房 就只说 room, 如 阅读指游悔废..reading rom, 教师房..teachers' room....... 靖采纳
问题四:音乐教室英语怎么说 music room
问题五:磨氏英语作文关于音乐教室的规则 As is similiar to other schools, our school also has her rules. And the rules are 【【微信】】. First, no one shall be late for school. In class, e【【微信】】t and shall not eat, listen to music or play games. When a student sees one of the teachers, he or she shall say hello to the teacher. Last, e【【微信】】 the grass and flowers.
问题六:音乐工作室的英文怎么写 music studio
问题七:在音乐教室用英语怎么说? in music classroom 这里的music是名词,修饰classroom ,classroom没有特指,可以不用加定冠词the
问题八:教室英文怎么写 classroomclass是班唯正的意思,room是屋子的意思,这个是两个词放在一起的组合词