

2k17快速比赛怎么选择球队 2k17电脑快速比赛怎么进去

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朋友们大家好,欢迎来到听我解说。今天给大家带来的是张子华是 ok 二的经典球赛系列啊。 今天咱们来一场历史最强球队之间的较量啊,就是这个公交队来客场挑战一切金融勇士队啊。那么这场球队我之前录过,因为之前在公交队主场啊。那么今天为什么要重新录一次呢?主要是因为库里最近的这个言论啊,是引起了巨大的争议啊。 那么九月的职高工程对公认实力是最强的球队。那么在这个呃最近奎德言论这个,他也是说这个当年这支宇宙泳啊,就是包括短特 这个,这只加入勇士之后的这只海洋兄弟啊,这只勇士队啊,他们可以在一轮期待当中击败这个九十公牛啊。确实这个贵州哥的言论也是引起了很多球迷,包括这个民宿的一转啊。当然我个人认为两支不同时代的球队 对不能直接去比较,但是你要说真正来说,我觉得两车队其实真正难分,我觉得是难分高下的啊。如果说就像皮棚曾经在这个 yes 片的节目当中曾经说过啊,如果说 如果说不考虑这个规则的话,如果说但是说用九十年代的规则去打的话,那可能勇士队没有任何胜算。那你换成 这个现代这个规则去打的话呢,可能供应队没有任何胜算。我觉得两个球队不同时代球队不能和下去比较。但库里这个言论确实是现在是备受人争议啊,但是 因为这个篮球这个战术永远是在不断革新和进步的啊,所以说咱们也不能说这个一切军种是对他们 当时作为这个历史最强球队,两大 mvp 在同一支球队,我觉得在很多美国主卧梅西排位当中,他们确实是历史最强球队。但是我相信这个大部分球迷还是认可球的。这样公牛作为历史最强,因为为什么?因为在九十年代那个年代啊,可以说在出场摄影,对抗和防守的这个年代, 关键是多么不容易的一件事情啊。 球队,咱们今天就再来打一场。 好啊,今天咱们来到勇士的赌场啊!好,比赛马上开始。 is he dripping, any the only boom in anyway without gi【【微信】】 about your strategy last year, it was all start difficulty on limited so i think it's still the same so basically my plan is just to shoot a lot of threes, it's harder to defend especially on that difficulty it's hard because white's drop in you know 好,比赛马上开始啊! 中华民来看一下啊。过友这边,哈佛乔丹皮包罗曼,一手朗利啊。这个没有任何争议啊。吉普这边,国际世纪五号微信队形名词不一起了。萨利爱德华,字一级大,劲爆啊。 其实咱说这样的球队阵容对比上来看啊,这个首发是不分伯仲的啊。其实今年更多。其实永世的替补还是叫占优啊,毕竟在进攻能力上来说啊,因为共产队这边,除教科学科尔之外,相关英德啊,姓名死之类都进攻能力有限啊。那勇士这边 水花啊,大家看看 kd 啊,这个四号位追梦五号位帕布利亚啊,替我这边一个利润斯坦克拉克麦奇一位色啊!比赛马上开始啊! 今天科尔和自己穿越时空对决也是非常的有意思啊。 on tuesday night co【【微信】】 sports this is kevin harlan, we'【【微信】】eg anthony with us and from the street line we'll be hearing from da【【微信】】's the chicago bull 来,马上开始,来瞧瞧老弟和爬树岩。哎,老弟这球没怎么跳啊。 now let's take a look at the bowls opening lineup they'【【微信】】, george, dennis robin is out there with long then it's pippet and it's harper and at the point 喂,三千八百的发烧 in the first of nitty to come explosi【【微信】】oth sides yeah, i'm curious to see which team is able to dictate the pace tonight as well as style of club 全能干嘛这球干倒都不错啊。 and it's the warriors ball curry on the wing the bastard green back to curry now here's durant he's started by hearth 看着我要这球我没有 with the d playing soft off him he might ha【【微信】】g it to the hoop instead of settling for the jump 好想 forcing the issue offensi【【微信】】ut jordan 那这就只见一个华强。 and so curl will bring an upper golden state let's fly connects from three point rains for he is looking confident lo【【微信】】're using him so far yeah that's because he's 哦,皮房皮房只有直接过来防守好球哇! 今天朴小爷和段子的队位也是真好看啊。比方曾经也是谈到过啊这个如果说可以西红柿跨时代来场比赛的话,这个他这个去对位段子的胜算有多大啊。小爷也是 说他在的误开啊。啊,这个呃 that's his first handful call。 短的和这个皮房啊,两人谁都占不到便宜,因为皮房就是历史级别的防守者啊。短的的话,这个死神的绰号不是道德虚名啊。进攻的话,历史级别的进攻火力啊。所以说两人我觉得在这个队伍上可能谁都占不到任何便宜啊。 看一下桥梁加法,刚才是二加一啊。什么大众。 and the defecting trade of the greatest of superstars, jordan makes the players around him better mentally in terms of effort and looks from green first 【【微信】】 城市的进攻暴力还是历史级别啊。 now, here's jordan he's got fi【【微信】】 how quickly mj gets into the air yet another one of his natural gifts 啊。咱们如果说从这个纯进攻的角度上来说,其实当年这只呃勇士的确实进攻火力可以看得上看的是历史记忆。本来这个水花兄弟的进攻火力就是历史级别啊, 再加上这个短特的加入啊,比如这只勇士直接是变成宇宙啊。所以说库里这个最近这个言论其实也不是全是没道理啊。但是呢,你要说考虑到 不同时代的规则啊,只好小可来 考虑到不同时代的规则,包括这个球员的定位抉择方面啊。其实 直接很像比较其实也是不公平的啊,因为毕竟两支不同时代的球队规则不同啊,战术计算入层面不同啊,直接这样去比较也是一个并不是非常好的一个选择啊。 但很多球迷就是会异想啊,说这个职业去想啊,这个把这两只历史里面的球队去想起苹果 you can't take curry lightly inside he's not the biggest guy he's exceptional and crack and here are the falls now outside jordan that's him that's his fifty five 从来今天是开场就开启了自己个人的进攻模式啊! and we're approaching about three and a half minutes played in the first 【【微信】】's thompson score 可爱好球从第一节还处在试探阶段啊! 文曼文曼今天和追梦的对位也是一大看点啊!哎呦呦,瞧你今天犯规。 miss s【【微信】】's his first personal found and so green will bring it up for the golden stink warriors four point games hurry outside 喂在追他们没有 and the rebound goes to the warriors 希望这个球上的也稍稍有点勉强啊! thompson i post fi【【微信】】 after defending on the shot he doesn't gi【【微信】】hat straight to the glass for the rebound 我们有考完的时候差距回到两公分啊 more than his share of brightons in his time you're right you're right 转个啊 someone was there to contest, it wouldn't ha【【微信】】's checked in for the one gotten two of history shots to go tonight that's the ramp on the way back to curry diggued all outside 一个就一个上班这小伙没有,基本上下那么小。 outside tiffin 好巧中国这桥啊,直接是错位投这个库里 in the paint hippin's gotten three of his four shots to fall hitting se【【微信】】 漂亮这边库里这个桥啊!公交开始认证防了啊 哎罗曼罗曼这个球刚才乔丹其实传这球非常漂亮啊,其实可以直接上了。哎呀,乔丹这球居然扣飞啊! that's 【【微信】】 guarantee 我们对方防的非常好啊! dipped his chord i mean his mo【【微信】】e has to find the open spots oh gi【【微信】】 连续的这个用自己身高体长的优势啊!连连的错位找这个 it's curry with the dri【【微信】】rom durant curry's got nine curry's gone four for fi【【微信】】ust one minutes here's jordan in a lot 没有早点吃完饭 he made the only free throw attempt he had earlier in the game 呀!全都发了 and it makes me 左右这边超了一分啊! both good from the one time the warriors trailer inside here's cream and it's creamed with the chain 然后这个球的追防稍稍慢了一些啊,速度啊! it's jordan on the wind and they double up jordan 哎,这有乔丹和克莱啊,需要跳球了。 and it's the bulls with the ball 这边还是专业跳到了桥啊。哎呦, 这个球二十四秒给力啊!不是这球放的票。 green passes to ignore outside cur【【微信】】's too big it up on the wing thompson sixty two i'll target 这个球乔丹没有失败啊! keep gi【【微信】】ings will happen 好球球篮今年这个开场球开启了自己的个人进攻模式啊,他知道要对阵勇士队这样子历史级别进攻球队啊! away from curry for two 傲娇阔爷这个用进攻压制住这个勇士是必要的。 steph curry can change pace and speed on you in a flash jordan kicks the pepper outside for jordan 阿婆 here's harper 哦小阿婆阿婆这边还有一个高大板儿。 and we'【【微信】】hanges tonight neither team gi【【微信】】's not an easy man to stop but he's got the rim in his science ne【【微信】】e he is a determined finisher harper against kurt there's the trial 阿婆漂亮阿婆应该在一号位上啊。其实对这个库里还是有身材上的优势。 just finding those little cracks in the defense and exploiting them outside katie be a good hour against biffin back the terrains from twel【【微信】】 转头这球啊, 宁可这边找找一找时间差啊,也不能让这个其他球员啊有轻松得分的机会。奥乔皮堡这球还是图这个右侧啊,造成了一个海龟。 有的大哥不要问啊。二加一 【【微信】】's get your j guys on the scoring breakdown for the bolts they'【【微信】】ressi【【微信】】 in the first half dri【【微信】】hority and getting a lot of their points right at the 好像加法也有 【【微信】】hat they can fast break a lot of points coming in transition now here's li【【微信】】empts thompson is double to rant 哎呀我的这个小哥谢阿金红 with the defensive 小麦机还是没有中啊。 noticeable ad【【微信】】ession and control 哦,皮毛皮卡丘差一点啊。总结 好球还是这个克莱传给这个卖鸡的朋友圈里啊。 here's pippin outside rodman has to cook coach 国旗做一个三分球没有 no good warriors trail bite first 自己看样子刚上场啊,手感还是 li【【微信】】ood eyes 慢慢在被寻找啊。 嘿哎呦,好球 this is why che【【微信】】 hustles like 麦吉这边里去的。呃,两个桥啊,好像有啊。 when is good again he's sixth right from the four with the basket who are with the role here he's on this corner they're gonna keep going to him get that lead e【【微信】】or an opening 嗨嗨这个球啊,有点想当然了。这球啊,毕竟那些这个婚姻段,这个篮下,这个高度还是在这啊。漂亮。 希望这球背船给到尾端,尾端右手扣二分走啊! we know he's capable of those memorable ones 本队来对加拿大啊,跟这个混队的里克布克斯啊,包括传奇后卫大使啊,都是加拿大国家队的队友啊。 to the pain 好球这边啊,有车轮班的连线啊。 momentum they'【【微信】】eam over this stress and that helps account for their lead torrent the pasta mcgee hey, good hour against coup coach to the inside here's livingston 好巧好巧。这个 a lot of pressure on the interior defenders with their work down low hippon the pastor winning job the feed to curve 看看还是这边给到了曼芬还是貂皮毛 rocket six 好球地方推销啊。假动作防倒了这个看来啊。 just flat out fall apart he fits at me right now especially on the interior now here's thompson fi【【微信】】t's the durant that one i'll tell you what i'm not sure these guys can keep this up yeah so far from teams ha【【微信】】he office of him a lot of game left to play was it here's goo coach he's gotten some minutes but nothing on the board yet 哦,好球逻辑这块用自己的高度优势。 you do attack inside and that's ten points in a row in the paint here's 给力啊,房子太漂亮了。这个球克尔承接。哎呦,克尔直接配这个爱心的钉把大棒啊!超员哎呦,减轻运动啊。然后第一个再结束啊,四十比三十三啊。 第一届比赛啊,就是这家公交队啊,展现出了啊,咱们作为历史最佳球队的典范啊。我也没有想到的是,在乔丹在第一届后半段不在场上段时间啊, peoposhen 球队打出了一个高超级别的防守啊。这样的话, 呃,第一个比赛结束啊,四十比三十三啊。就我的这位朋友在,科长暂时是领先了一些竞争。我是七班就到交警比赛。 and hope you'【【微信】】o far halfway through the first half in this one guys what you're taking the ball? so far in that first 【【微信】】t on just pounding the ball download old school approach if you ha【【微信】】e just keep pounding it in there 好,要去开始今天课啊。不知道看到自己这个和赛场上的年轻时候的自己啊,不知道 有没有什么这个别样的感受。 hey, gudawa against pippen here's li【【微信】】d men's got rebound number eight here tonight 阿伦曼在这个场下,这边基本上呃这帮就不太敢嚣张啊,要玩命的可以说这个。呃,这帮是玩不过这罗曼啊。 down low here's migrudala 好球!这球哇,皮毛又是一级反击扣篮好球 yeah! and what you lo【【微信】】e versatility on offense and the terrific court 【【微信】】's corey with the ball bringing it up for golden state and there's the past epichure back to igudalla 手机手给一个 green to the inside 这就好,太难了啊。可是现在的命中率是跌到了不成以下啊。希望中科尔的总距离有了。 tiffans got his fourth assist in this one curry passent to pachool li【【微信】】 that is in the pool flies but down now to just nine in the bucket from stefan kurt excellent work office 给这边低检拿了十一分啊。看这边现在勇士限制不了皮房啊。这个是一个问题啊。 they smell blood in the water how man is going for the juggle now here's curry he's got thirteen but julia the 【【微信】】 好球也还是非常轻松的一个无效跑位啊。 i always enjoy watching this chef go to work i mean he's a pure score he feels it up from e【【微信】】's pippin he makes his tent 这球利用斯坦其实真的是帮不了批判了。这是啊, when you allow 其实也很敬业了啊,一直是跟着这个拼点。 you're losing horrible effort it appears they may be on the brink of gi【【微信】】's a good out after the maid shot from scotty pipper green taking his time here six on the shot clock back to piggudala for three 一个 还是没有。 so the bulls will take it the other way solid rebal there and with the score like it is that's an area where they can't afford 好球!有没有通过没有姓名私的服务员啊。 coming from inside to paint warriors trailed by thirteen hurry fires from way outside 再出一个三分。但现在有车也是处在一个比较困难的局面啊。十分的差距。 the first time 没有,这边有个条啊。 jessica's are a part of the game and the coach sees something he doesn't like here yeah, i like the chess mesh that's going o【【微信】】g to find and exploit the fa【【微信】】loor 他妈这一段科二肯定会凑出相应的步骤啊。 科尔却是这个当年作为九州公牛的最佳第七人啊。又是作为勇士王朝的 这个电击者啊。不管是作为球员还是教练啊。这个看来都是出色的这个球员典范啊。 shot from the low block and jordan with an ice inside bucketed jordans got se【【微信】】're finding lanes to the hoop now with consistency here in the second porter just under three and a half minutes played green passes to thompson back to green that's in coming off the assist from thompson might seem that kind of sharp passing thompson 这种球工友是被接受的啊。 shorten against thompson that shot is good he has made eight promising only four that's sixty se【【微信】】 看来这边还是显得比较小的啊。这个是没有办法,因为这个他个人能力实在太强了。 you ha【【微信】】es i mean it's a smart strategy and so far it's pain office it is that's good i went to rant was looking for off the catch like that there isn't a lot you can do as a defense harper the past to jordan harper dishes to jordan 哎,好像 pk 球 launch is it for rebound by simpkins and the great shoes 看来很清楚啊。看来可能会把这个外线 on that possession now he

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发布时间:2023-10-02 12:17

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